Trasteros para Particulares
Alquilar un trastero significa recuperar ese espacio perdido de tu casa.
En Storemore presentamos una forma innovadora de entender el mundo de los trasteros, porque creemos que un trastero no es donde acaban las cosas, sino donde empiezan: un nuevo hogar, un nuevo hobby...
Quiero reservarPrivate storage rooms
At Storemore we offer you a smart way
to store your belongings, in a safe, flexible and sustainable way .
Mudanzas y Reformas
Moving is always a delicate moment. But, if you have a storage room at Storemore , it can be much more peaceful. You can store all your personal belongings safely there thanks to the materials we provide. From boxes and seals to everything necessary for transport.
The same applies if you are going to renovate your home . Although your quality of life will improve when the work is finished, for a few weeks you will need to take a good part of your things to a safe place. In this sense, there is nothing better than one of our small storage units.
Aficiones y otros muchos usos
Do you like to ride a bike on the weekends? Surf in the summer or ski in the winter? With a storage unit you won’t have to keep the objects for these activities at home if you don’t need them. You can also store your children’s books and notes outside of school. Call us and rent yours!